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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Neuromuscular \Neu`ro*mus"cu*lar\, a. [Neuro- + muscular.] (Physiol.) Nervomuscular.


a. Pertaining to the voluntary or reflexive control of muscles by nerves.


adj. affecting or characteristic of both neural and muscular tissue


Usage examples of "neuromuscular".

It comes from the puffer fish and causes respiratory and cardiovascular failure through paralysis of the neuromuscular system.

Aminoglycosides should not be used to treat secondary infections because they can sometimes have the effect of enhancing the toxin-induced neuromuscular blockade.

Command of her neuromuscular system was not quite back to normal, and her legs refused to obey.

Marjory told me that her research was on neuromuscular disorders, so I knew Emmy was wrong.

It kills fast because it paralyses the neuromuscular system and stops a person breathing.

Graf is herself a conjoined species, collectively possessing degrees in geochemistry, biology, and neuromuscular therapy, as well as owning two dogs, four snakes, six cats, and a breeding leopard gecko colony, whose population fluctuates seasonally between twelve and forty animals.

Demyel-something and something about selective pathways and neuromuscular dis-something.

The refractory period of ometvah neuromuscular junctions, like humans, is a short period of recovery between contraction and relaxation of muscle cells.

Hivistahm who studied us kept talking about our neuromuscular structure and how it was tied into our peculiar endocrine system.

Those cadavers which have been dissected have not been especially informative, though I am told preliminary examinations suggest that their neuromuscular systemology is unusually dense for a mammalian life-form.

Neuromuscular Nurse Clinician at the Department of Neurology at Emory University.

The atri-oventricular node was destroyed, effectively severing neuromuscular communication between the chambers of the heart Even if I'd been standing by with a surgical team, it's unlikely that she could have been saved.

This synapse-like connection between nerve and muscle is called the neuromuscular junction (or myoneural junction).

At the neuromuscular junction, the chemical and electrical aspects of the nerve impulse arrive.