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n. An expert in neuroanatomy.

Usage examples of "neuroanatomist".

This would mean that new learning corresponds to the generation of new synapses or the activation of moribund old ones, and some preliminary evidence consistent with this view has been obtained by the American neuroanatomist William Greenough of the University of Illinois and his coworkers.

I struck up a collaboration with a neuroanatomist, Brian Cragg, based elsewhere in London, at University College.

I did this experiment in four frenzied weeks in 1984 with a fanatically hard-working, Warsaw-based autoradiographer, Margaret Kossut, and repeated them in more detail the following year with a neuroanatomist from Budapest, Andras Csillag, who helped identify the anatomical structures in which Margaret and I had found the changes.

Jacques LeBlanc, neuroanatomist and amateur tyrant, and Joe No Last Name, gifted programmer and professional burglar, together developed mindwrite, co-wrote the computer language called Mindtalk, and perfected the brain-computer interface.

A few students of the subject seem to have concluded that, because they have been unable to isolate and localize all higher brain functions, no future generation of neuroanatomists will be able to achieve this objective.

I am not going to act as a tour guide through the complexities of the structure of the human brain here, as it is not essential for my purposes, and still less am I going to try to justify the bizarre and fanciful dog-latin names that neuroanatomists have given its several regions.

At that time there were less than a dozen neuroanatomists on this planet, and they were some of the most eccentric men alive.

He was one of the half dozen neuroanatomists on Earth, and easily the best.

She set up her reductionist stall, arguing for the ultimate collapse of psychology into neuroanatomy, perhaps expecting an easy ride from a group of neurobiologists, and found to her surprise that it was strongly opposed by most present - especially the neuroanatomists!

The most ancient of them surrounds the midbrain (and is made up mostly of what neuroanatomists call the olfactostriatum, the corpus striatum, and the globus pallidus).