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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Nettling \Net"tling\, n. (Rope Making)

  1. A process (resembling splicing) by which two ropes are joined end to end so as to form one rope.

  2. The process of tying together the ends of yarns in pairs, to prevent tangling.


Nettling \Net"tling\, p. pr. & a. Stinging; irritating.

Nettling cell (Zo["o]l.), a lasso cell. See under Lasso.


Nettle \Net"tle\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Nettled; p. pr. & vb. n. Nettling.] To fret or sting; to irritate or vex; to cause to experience sensations of displeasure or uneasiness not amounting to violent anger.

The princes were so nettled at the scandal of this affront, that every man took it to himself.


n. 1 (context ropemaking English) A process, resembling splicing, by which two ropes are joined so as to form one rope. 2 The process of tying together the ends of yarns in pairs, to prevent tangling. 3 The process of stinging somebody with nettles. vb. (present participle of nettle English)

Usage examples of "nettling".

Hurrying along the gloomy alleys between hulking buildings, she rubbed the icy gooseflesh nettling up her arms.

The tingle in the back of his neck became a nettling, and, noting that their current approach would keep them well away from the complex, he suddenly understood why the worldship had not yet hailed them.

Lately she found herself nettling those around her simply to stir them up.

Sometimes, especially if you were tired, his nettling questions could become irksome.