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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
nettle rash
▪ There are reports of links between crying and urticaria, a rash resembling nettle rash.
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Nettle rash

Rash \Rash\, n. [OF. rasche an eruption, scurf, F. rache; fr. (assumed) LL. rasicare to scratch, fr. L. radere, rasum, to scrape, scratch, shave. See Rase, and cf. Rascal.] (Med.) A fine eruption or efflorescence on the body, with little or no elevation.

Canker rash. See in the Vocabulary.

Nettle rash. See Urticaria.

Rose rash. See Roseola.

Tooth rash. See Red-gum.

Nettle rash

Nettle \Net"tle\, n. [AS. netele; akin to D. netel, G. nessel, OHG. nezz["i]la, nazza, Dan. nelde, n["a]lde, Sw. n["a]ssla; cf, Lith. notere.] (Bot.) A plant of the genus Urtica, covered with minute sharp hairs containing a poison that produces a stinging sensation. Urtica gracilis is common in the Northern, and Urtica cham[ae]dryoides in the Southern, United States. The common European species, Urtica urens and Urtica dioica, are also found in the Eastern united States. Urtica pilulifera is the Roman nettle of England. Note: The term nettle has been given to many plants related to, or to some way resembling, the true nettle; as: Australian nettle, a stinging tree or shrub of the genus Laportea (as Laportea gigas and Laportea moroides); -- also called nettle tree. Bee nettle, Hemp nettle, a species of Galeopsis. See under Hemp. Blind nettle, Dead nettle, a harmless species of Lamium. False nettle ( B[ae]hmeria cylindrica), a plant common in the United States, and related to the true nettles. Hedge nettle, a species of Stachys. See under Hedge. Horse nettle ( Solanum Carolinense). See under Horse. nettle tree.

  1. Same as Hackberry.

  2. See Australian nettle (above).

    Spurge nettle, a stinging American herb of the Spurge family ( Jatropha urens).

    Wood nettle, a plant ( Laportea Canadensis) which stings severely, and is related to the true nettles.

    Nettle cloth, a kind of thick cotton stuff, japanned, and used as a substitute for leather for various purposes.

    Nettle rash (Med.), an eruptive disease resembling the effects of whipping with nettles.

    Sea nettle (Zo["o]l.), a medusa.

nettle rash

n. an itchy skin eruption characterized by weals with pale interiors and well-defined red margins; usually the result of an allergic response to insect bites or food or drugs [syn: urtication, urticaria, hives]

Usage examples of "nettle rash".

With a short nod to Brianna, he turned away to his patient, and I to mine-a young girl with nettle rash.

The nettle rash still was full of fire, and the poison ivy blisters, he felt sure, would appear in a day or so.

Mrs Betts's brother had asthma all his life, and Mrs Betts gets urticaria-nettle rash, that is.