- Take-home total
- Take-home salary
- Stub datum
- Spendable earnings
- Something to take home
- Something taken home
- Salary-stub phrase
- Salary less deductions
- Salary check amount
- Salary after taxes
- Earnings after deductions
- Direct-deposit amount
- Direct deposit figure
- Check amount, maybe
- Check amount, at times
- Amount cashed, at times
- After-tax salary
- Take-home amount
- You can take it with you
- Salary after deductions
- Amount left after deductions
- What's taken home
- After-tax amount
- Working capital?
- What you can spend
- Take-home figure
- After-tax earnings
- Spendable salary
- Salary-check amount
- Post-tax amount
- Employee check amount
- After-tax income
- Weekly bottom line
- Wages after all deductions