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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
nervous breakdown
▪ At twenty, in Budapest, he suffered a complete nervous breakdown, which he conquered through a gruelling program of callisthenics.
▪ Do not give yourself a nervous breakdown trying to prepare and cook three courses on the day perfectly and on time.
▪ He said she acted erratic, got the shakes one evening, almost had a nervous breakdown.
▪ In my nineteen years I've had three women, a nervous breakdown and some poor education.
▪ Male speaker I had a nervous breakdown at Frankland Jail and suddenly discovered feelings about my childhood.
▪ Shortly after her marriage, she had a nervous breakdown and had to be institutionalized.
nervous breakdown

n. An attack of a psychological disorder such as depression or anxiety so severe that it prevents a person from continuing to function normally

nervous breakdown

n. a severe or incapacitating emotional disorder

Nervous Breakdown (EP)

Nervous Breakdown is the debut EP by the American hardcore punk band Black Flag, released in January 1979 through SST Records. It was the label's first release.

Nervous Breakdown (Fu-Schnickens album)

Nervous Breakdown is the second and last studio album from American hip hop group Fu-Schnickens, released October 25, 1994 on Jive Records.

The album peaked at number eighty-one on the Billboard 200 chart.

Nervous breakdown (disambiguation)

Nervous breakdown, or mental breakdown, is an acute, time-limited phase of a specific disorder that presents primarily with features of depression or anxiety.

Nervous breakdown is a non-medical term and may also refer to:

  • The Nervous Breakdown (magazine)

Usage examples of "nervous breakdown".

I went quickly to the controls and overrode the order about altitude-I was afraid that the simple little robot might have a nervous breakdown and start shedding capacitances in lieu of tears if it tried to hold the ship just eight hundred feet away from that Gargantuan series of ups and downs and pinnacles.

You just got over a nervous breakdown or something and you don't need somebody else's pain.

And just before her husband came back on leave, Joline had a nervous breakdown.

He didn't get scared of Johne's husband-he got scared of her: And just before her husband came back on leave, Joline had a nervous breakdown.

In fact, he believed he had suffered a very quiet sort of nervous breakdown.

Elsewhere, he observed that Patient C: came to me from a military hospital, where he had recovered sufficiently from a total nervous breakdown to attempt social reintegration.

And what Trisha was so delicately referring to was Meredith's nervous breakdown barely four weeks ago.

But everybody else around this place seems to think I had some sort of nervous breakdown.