n. tissue composed of neurons [syn: nervous tissue]
Usage examples of "nerve tissue".
Transplanting embryonic nerve tissue onto damaged tissue to promote axonal regeneration.
Tumors have made it necessary to remove large areas of the prefrontal lobe without particularly significant effect on the individual, and yet surely it is not a useless mass of nerve tissue.
He wished to manipulate living nerve tissue, examine its insulation and its performance in situ.
Regeneration of nerve tissue was an old technology, and well understood.
That'd give us some idea how fast regeneration of nerve tissue is going.
Fisk forced a message down along the resistive nerve tissue of his right arm and the arm convulsed a bit, pulling the wheel around just that necessary fraction.
I have a chemical compound which will encourage nerve tissue to duplicate itselfbut only male sexual nerve.
I have a chemical compound which will encourage nerve tissue to duplicate itself-but only male sexual nerve.
I have a chemical compound which will encourage nerve tissue to duplicate itself—.
I've now proved K/A is present in detectable abundance in Sime nerve tissue.
The thing in the bottle, with rose-red gills and a lily-white mantle folded around a thick braid of naked nerve tissue.