n. (context anatomy English) A dorsal tubular cord of nervous tissue above the notochord of a chordate.
Nerve cord may refer to the following structures:
- in invertebrates, it refers to the ventral nerve cord, whereas
- in chordates, it stands for the dorsal nerve cord.
Usage examples of "nerve cord".
The nerve cord probably runs through the center of the bodynot dorsally, like us vertebrates, or ventrally, like terrestrial bisects.
Great balks of information flooded down the thick nerve cord to his nose, carrying inexplicable information about triple bonds, alkanes and geometric isomerism.
Running down the axis of the cord is the small central canal (which sometimes vanishes in adults), all that is left of the hollow in the original chordate nerve cord.
The nerve cord probably runs through the center of the body—.
It had been growing since first they had smashed open the door above ground, and now it was sinking through every nerve cord, through every organ in his body, turning them to lead, filling his lower stomach with its draining heaviness.
A cluster of minute electronic components were nestling inside the body at the base of the brain, with a multitude of connective threads joining them to the big nerve cord.
Suddenly he sagged back in the chair as if some nerve cord had been cut.
Great balks of information flooded down the thick nerve cord to his nose, carrying in.
Its side struck Elar's neck, smashing the vertebrae and shattering the nerve cord.
Its side struck Elars neck, smashing the vertebrae and shattering the nerve cord.