NEOMAD is a 3-episode futuristic fantasy adventure series, created as part of a governmentally supported community art project. The comic brings together live action film, with animation, music and voice overs. The series was created with the community of Roebourne, Western Australia as part of art and social justice organisation, Big hART and their Yijala Yala Project.
The project was created in late 2010 with the assistance of over 40 young people aged between 7 and 14 from the leramugadu (Roebourne) community through a series of workshops conducted by Stu Campbell known as Sutu. The workshops engaged the young people in a host of skills, including scriptwriting, filmmaking, literacy, Photoshop and sound recording over a period of 18 months. The workshops brought new digital media skills to young people, with Campbell spending more than 500 hours teaching the young participants how to apply a complex colouring system to more than 600 scenes to create NEOMAD.
The young people who helped to create NEOMAD also star in the work as the heroes the Love Punks or the gravity defying Satellite Sisters