Parappa is a village in the Hill side area of Kasaragod district of Kerala, India.Parappa is located between Odayanchal and Chittarikal on Odayanchal-Cherupuzha road. Parappa town is an important trade-hub in Kinanoor Karindalam Panchayath. This town and nearby towns like Kalichanadukkem, Odayanchal and Kallichamarem. Town have a lot of churches, temples and mosques. The Odayanchal-Cherupuzha road passes through Parappa. The town has no air or rail link. Buses are available to nearby towns like Nileshwar, Kanhangad, Konnakkad, kallichanmarem, Chittarikal, Panathur and Cherupuzha. The nearest railway station is Neeleshwar and the nearest airport is Mangalore. Parappa is declared as Block panchayath by Govt of Kerala in 2009. And there is a village office and telephone exchange in the town. but the town still lacks basic need of people like Panchayath office, electricity section office etc. people need to get Karindalam and rajapuram, the nearby town for this needs.Drinking water facility,proper waste disposal are not introduce in parappa. There is no bus terminal in town….still buses are stopping at road side of town. Edathode is the neighboring village.