NeighborCity is a residential real estate information and service company that rates real-estate agents in the United States, offering a way for buyers and sellers of homes to compare and evaluate agents. It is based in San Francisco.
The company rates virtually every member of the National Association of Realtors in the United States, based on transaction and listing history. NeighborCity analyzes agents’ performance based on closing rate, number of closings, number of active listings, geographic specialization, number of days on market, rate of dual agency, sales price per square foot, and the difference between ask and sale price, for the homes they sell. NeighborCity provides an evaluation of the quality of service delivered by agents, with respect to their clients’ interests and relative to competing real-estate agents.
The company also maintains a national database of real-estate listings. The site recommends corresponding independent buy-side real estate agents next to each for-sale listing along with a performance score and a link to a detailed professional profile for each recommended agent.