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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Negligently \Neg"li*gent*ly\, adv. In a negligent manner.


adv. In a negligent manner.


adv. in a negligent manner; "he did his work negligently"

Usage examples of "negligently".

The noble count who held his cap in his hand, and was decently but negligently dressed, though he was only forty years old, told me with high-born modesty that his brother had done wrong to bring me here to see their miserable place, where I should find none of those luxuries to which I had been accustomed, but he promised me a good old-fashioned Milanese welcome instead.

Slowly he swung his great head about and stared at Tascela who pased negligently in the curtained doorway, one hand on her smooth hip.

I got home, Dolores was talking to the refrigerator, mumbling about the effect of a plaintiff from Wisconsin suing joint tortfeasors from Hawaii and New York in Nevada for negligently transplanting a kidney in Florida.

Norton, Viscount Bennington, dozing in an armchair before the fire, opened one bloodshot eye to peer at the tall figure leaning negligently at the window.

Mrs Trimble sat negligently swinging a shapely leg and toying with the latch of her white leather handbag.

Clare turned to go back his eye fell upon Tom, who was standing uneasily, shifting from one foot to the other, while Adolph stood negligently leaning against the banisters, examining Tom through an opera-glass, with an air that would have done credit to any dandy living.

On the evening of one of the warmest days spring had yet bestowed on the inhabitants of Paris, might be seen negligently thrown upon the stone bench, a book, a parasol, and a work-basket, from which hung a partly embroidered cambric handkerchief, while at a little distance from these articles was a young woman, standing close to the iron gate, endeavoring to discern something on the other side by means of the openings in the planks, -- the earnestness of her attitude and the fixed gaze with which she seemed to seek the object of her wishes, proving how much her feelings were interested in the matter.

We found her sitting up in bed, negligently but decently dressed, with a dimity corset tied with red ribbons.

Youngman with a little bow, and Youngman would uncoil himself and standing negligently beside the table asking idle questions.

Ajmal gestured negligently toward the window partition and the control panel, exasperated by the captain, who merely smiled back.

But it is also incumbent on every one to offer libations and sacrifices and first fruits, conformably to the customs of his country, with purity, and not in a slovenly manner, nor negligently, nor sparingly, nor beyond his ability.

Carrington looked at him, looked at the immense span of shoulder, the great depth of chest, one enormous hand hanging loosely by his side, the other negligently holding three heavy crowbars and a sledge as if they were so many lengths of cane.

Then, last of all, he saw the back of a man leaning negligently against the window-frame and smoking a black Russian cigarette in a tapered holder: and when the man turned round Reynolds saw that it was the Count.

Before we hove alongside, he sat relaxed in the stern playing negligently with the can opener, which he had taken out of its paper.

Obstructing traffic, but nobody was going to object, not when the goldskins wore impact armor and powered endoskeletons, not when shockrods dangled negligently in their hands.