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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Neglecter \Neg*lect"er\, n. One who neglects.


n. A person who neglects, or takes no notice of something


n. a person who is neglectful and gives little attention or respect to people or responsibilities; "he tried vainly to impress his neglecters"

Usage examples of "neglecter".

Jesus, by preaching against the traditions of the elders, by not observing the Sabbath day so rigidly as the Pharisees, by denouncing them as hypocrites, tithers of mint anise and cummin, washers of plates and platters, and neglecters of the weightier matters of the law, justice, judgment, and mercy, as serpents, a generation of vipers, whited sepulchres, and what not, had enraged these superstitious fanatics to the last degree.