n. having a surplus of electrons; having a lower electric potential [ant: positive charge]
Usage examples of "negative charge".
For now, most of the exterior of the suit has a mild negative charge, balanced by a positive one on the inner surface.
For instance, a positive charge could be the mouth of a tiny wormhole threaded by an electric field, with a negative charge the other mouth, the flow of the field through the wormhole looking, from the outside, like a source and sink of charge.
A hydrogen atom has a proton with positive charge as nucleus, surrounded by an electron with negative charge.
The force between two positive charges is repulsive, as is the force between two negative charges, but the force is attractive between a positive and a negative charge.
Bailey, professor of physics at the University of Sydney, Australia, who was not familiar with Velikovsky's work, announced that the magnitudes of five different known astronomical phenomena could be explained by the single hypothesis that a star like the Sun carries a net negative charge.
As the positively charged sodium ions are forced out of the cell, the interior of the cell builds up a negative charge, and the outside of the cell builds up a positive one.
Into the forward plate a negative charge of electricity was sent, and into the one at the rear a positive charge, just as one end of a horseshoe magnet is positive and will repel the north end of a compass needle, while the other pole of a magnet is negative and will attract it.
LA and LNA possess a slightly negative charge and have a tendency to form very thin surface layers.
Anything big enough to worry about hitting (that is, anything big enough to see with a strong magnifying glass) goes through the first field and comes out with a very strong negative charge all over its surface.
It would carry a negative charge which would stabilize the positively charged blade and provide it a solid base without allowing it to eat its way back through to my hands.
The protons have a positive charge and the electrons an equal negative charge.