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Neelavara or Nilavara is a village in Udupi district of Karnataka, India. Neelavara is situated about 7 km from Brahmavar that lies on NH-17 and around 3 km from Kunjal that lies on the road from Brahmavar to Hebri. Neelavar lies roughly between the river Sita in the north and the village Kunjal to the south. Originally it was Neeravara (surrounded by waters- Neeru in Kannada), but later it became as Neelavara.

The famous temple has been a holy place for devotees worshiping Goddess Mahishamardini, Ganapathy, Subrahmanya, Kallukuttiga and Veerabhabra. Udupi Pejavara Mutt has built a big goshala here.