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The Collaborative International Dictionary

neatness \neat"ness\, n. The state or quality of being neat.


n. The state of being neat.

  1. n. the state of being neat and smart and trim [syn: spruceness]

  2. the trait of being neat and orderly [syn: tidiness] [ant: untidiness]

Usage examples of "neatness".

She said that I had done well to praise her parts, as she could judge of them by the order and neatness which reigned everywhere.

He was now no longer dressed with the somewhat affected neatness and coxcombry which had marked his appearance in London, but, on the contrary, was clad in garments comparatively coarse, and bore the aspect of a military man no longer in active service, and enduring some reverses.

Our Mick, the man obsessed with neatness, who has no social connections and heaps of good sense, the man in search of the perfect woman, falls in love with a dithery fortune-telling society girl who sees the future.

Betty was dressed with all decency and neatness, but I had taken off my coat on account of the suffocating heat.

But Loge parried it with a neatness which made Cleggett open his eyes, replying with a counter so shrewd and close, and of such a darting ferocity, that Cleggett, although he met it faultlessly, nevertheless gave back a step.

I suppose it comes because of a desire for neatness, an orderliness of mind.

A lady, who has no maid, and who has the gift of orderliness, will put things away when done with, and so leave her room a picture of neatness.

One arm was bandaged and held awkwardly in a sling, but her general air of prim neatness made Anna very much aware of her own unkept appearance.

Though La Panne is within easy range of the German batteries, which could eliminate it with neatness and despatch, it has, singularly enough, never been bombarded, nor has it been subjected to any serious air raids.

Off to one side was another mechanism of crystal glass, blown with an incredible neatness and delicacy, metal plates and a queer, shimmery sphere of insubstantiality.

The neatness of this final stroke of justice pleased him heartily, although Eryon and some of the older barons grumbled that it was foolishness to permit so much as a single foe to continue living, when so many Komarians had been murdered or executed.

In this sense too it opts for chaotic authenticity over the commanding neatness of historical convention.

Grettan, the lack of neatness and order in things domestic there, the nicety that reigned at Quondong was very pleasant.

Hickson held the thumbstall close to his right eye to judge the neatness of his stitching.

Sermons-- Infant School As we advanced towards Baltimore the look of cultivation increased, the fences wore an air of greater neatness, the houses began to look like the abodes of competence and comfort, and we were consoled for the loss of the beautiful mountains by knowing that we were approaching the Atlantic.