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a. (obsolete spelling of near English)

Usage examples of "neare".

Thornbeck, but a long tayle like a riding rodde whereon the middest is a most poysonne sting of two or three inches long, bearded like a saw on each side, which she struck into the wrist of his arme neare an inch and a half.

And as neare as my smell could tell mee, I did iudge the water to bee of Roses, mixt with the iuice of Lymon pilles, and a little Amber artificially composed, which yeelded a sweet and pleasant smell.

In the middest of this admirable and stupendious Court, there was set out a maruellous perfuming vessel, not so much for the excellent and perfecte substaunce thereof, which was pure and fine golde: but for the conspicuous, rare, and auncient fashion of the base, standing vpon three Harpyes feete, the which in a foliature made a trianguled illygament to the base, full of deuises, as the mettall required, ouer euerie Angle or corner whereof stoode three naked shapes of flying spirites orderly sette, of two cubites high, with their shoulders turned one towards an other, and somewhat neare together.

Hee asked me the cause of our comming, I tolde him being in fight with the Spaniards our enemie, being over powred, neare put to retreat, and by extreme weather put to this shore, where landing at Chesipiack, the people shot us, but at Kequoughtan they kindly used us, wee by signes demaunded fresh water, they described us up the River was all fresh water, at Paspahegh, also they kindly used us, our Pinnasse being leake wee were inforced to stay to mend her, till Captain Newport my father came to conduct us away.

Oft drew the Prince vnto his charret nigh,In hope some stroke to fasten on him neare.

Who when as now long time he lacked hadThe good Sir Calepine, that farre was strayd,Did wexe exceeding sorrowfull and sad,As he of some misfortune were afrayd:And leauing there this Ladie all dismayd,Went forth streightway into the forrest wyde,To seeke, if he perchance a sleepe were layd,Or what so else were vnto him betyde:He sought him farre and neare, yet him no where he spyde.

He comming neare, gan gently her salute,With curteous words, in the most comely wize.