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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

also nearsighted, 1680s, from near + sight. Figurative use from 1856. Related: Nearsightedly; nearsightedness.\n


a. myopic, suffering from myopia alt. myopic, suffering from myopia

Usage examples of "near-sighted".

When Billy saw her go he ran down the altar steps, upsetting a near-sighted deacon who was coming up to help drive him out, and bleating to Betty that he was coming he rushed through the door.

But, gentlemen and ladies, in my opinion, the near-sighted was about as much to blame for what happened, as a pewee is for being swallered by a black snake.

The hair that hung out under his cap was white as bleached sisal, and his eyelashes were thick and colourless, giving him a mild near-sighted look.

Amid the intricate colours of this courtyard, and the flashing glass windchimes which tinkled in the far archways, as she fumbled sightlessly but occasionally glanced at things with those odd, white eyes, it seemed yet more likely that she was blind, or at least terribly near-sighted.

Well, how could I, with all my gifts, make any valuable preparation against a near-sighted, cross-eyed, pudding-headed clown who would aim himself at the wrong tree and hit the right one?

A little girl, sent by her mother to match a skein of cotton thread of a peculiar hue took one that the near-sighted old lady pronounced extremely like, but soon came running back, with a blunt and cross message, that it would not do, and besides, was very rotten!