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n. (plural of neanderthal English)

Neanderthals (anthology)

Neanderthals is an anthology of science fiction short stories edited by Robert Silverberg, Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh as the sixth volume in the Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction series. It was first published in paperback by Signet/New American Library in February 1987.

The book collects eleven novellas, novelettes and short stories by various science fiction authors, together with an introduction by Isaac Asimov and an afterword by Silverberg.

Usage examples of "neanderthals".

Every week, Jock Krieger reviewed the press coverage of the Neanderthals, both in the hundred and forty magazines Synergy subscribed to and as collected and forwarded by various print, radio, and video clipping services.

Still, the eyes were the most arresting features of the two Neanderthals now facing Mary Vaughan.

In honor of all that the Companions had done for the Neanderthals, Lonwis had been presented with one that had a solid-gold faceplate.

Lonwis and the nine other famous Neanderthals, plus the Neanderthal ambassador, Tukana Prat, had been spending most of their time at the United Nations.

Maybe to Ponter, to the Neanderthals, the idea of life on other worlds was as silly as the notion of a god.

Mary thought of Erik Trinkaus and his observation that ancient Neanderthals often had injuries similar to those of rodeo riders.

And, for the first time on this world, she found herself easily meeting the eyes of other Neanderthals, as though they were her small-town neighbors, as though she belonged, as though she were home.

Mary had been born in September, and most Neanderthals were born in the spring.

Anyway, Mary found Neanderthal saddle-seats uncomfortable and, because most Neanderthals had shorter lower legs than upper legs, bench-type Barast chairs were a bit too low to the ground for her tastes.

But Mary knew what it probably was: the perfect rejoinder to her comment about vocal range, the fact that Gliksins could choke to death while drinking whereas Neanderthals could not.

Ponter turned to the other two Neanderthals, but Christine continued to translate.

Mary rather suspected that once she learned that two Neanderthals were now here, that fact would become a new part of her sales pitch.

Fortunately, when Ambassador Tukana Prat brought ten of the most famous Neanderthals of all with her to the United Nations, they had freely shared much knowledge.

Lonwis Trob, one of the Neanderthals who visited the United Nations last month.

First, by virtue of never having developed agriculture and animal husbandry, the Neanderthals had also never had to develop techniques for dealing with plagues.