Crossword clues for navigated
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Navigate \Nav"i*gate\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Navigated; p. pr. & vb. n. Navigating.] [L. navigatus, p. p. of navigare, v.t. & i.; navis ship + agere to move, direct. See Nave, and Agent.]
To journey by water; to go in a vessel or ship; to perform the duties of a navigator; to use the waters as a highway or channel for commerce or communication; to sail.
The Phenicians navigated to the extremities of the Western Ocean.
--Arbuthnot. To direct or operate a vehicle, especially a ship or aircraft.
To pass through, over, or around; -- used especially of a course having obstacles; as, to navigate around all the randomly scattered tables to the far side of the room.
vb. (en-past of: navigate)
Usage examples of "navigated".
They chirruped happily, and Larad let them out his office window, a narrow slit, which the two fire-lizards navigated by flying up it sideways.
When there is a favorable breeze, the canoe is occasionally navigated with a sail.
This vast river, three thousand miles in length, and which, with its tributary streams, drains such an immense extent of country, was as yet but casually and imperfectly navigated by the adventurous bark of the fur trader.
They had not long resumed their boats and pulled along the river banks when they descried a canoe approaching, navigated by two men, whom, to their surprise, they ascertained to be white men.
Each one was navigated by a single squaw, who knelt in the bottom and paddled.
It had never been navigated by a white man, nor could they meet with an Indian to give them any information concerning it.
The whole distance they had navigated since leaving Henry's Fort was computed to be about three hundred and forty miles.
M'Kenzie, who conducted the third party from the Wallah- Wallah, navigated for several days up the south branch of the Columbia, named the Camoenum by the natives, but commonly called Lewis River, in honor of the first explorer.
Now she knew where he would take her and had already traveled some of the routes he navigated so expertly.
Sunny navigated into a narrow parking space under a brightly lit sign that aggressively flashed Club Rendezvous.
At once, before his nerve could fail again, he navigated to the Death Record Archives, typed in the names and date of death in the required data fields for Dao Webb, Alyssa Webb, Joshua Webb.
As usual, there was a line, which the DCI navigated like the Queen Mary sailing through a flotilla of motorboats.
He navigated his way through the mountains quickly and was soon soaring above the treetops of Paranor.
Walker navigated the woods until he found a trail, then the trail until it led to a road, and followed the road into the village.
But the canyons were narrow and not easily navigated by the great birds with their broad wingspans, so retrieval might have to be undertaken by the ship's company.