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nature preserves

n. (nature preserve English)

Usage examples of "nature preserves".

Then followed a long sequence of landscapes: nature preserves, possibly, untouched by civilization.

I like to visit the nature preserves of Earth myself, but my lads consider it tame.

Some of the trees strongly resembled Earth oaks he'd seen in nature preserves in a number of worlds.

The sea and the skies and the land swarm with life, and whole continents are nature preserves.

In India whole villages of them were wiped out around the perimeter of nature preserves.

Also, they were given ownership of those islands that had been declared primitive nature preserves, provided that the original fauna and flora were actually preserved.

The last thing I want to do is chew up one of the nature preserves or someones private property.

The last thing I want to do is chew up one of the nature preserves or someone's private property.