- Pt. of NBC
- Part of NIH: Abbr
- Part of NFC: Abbr
- Part of N.R.A
- Part of N.L.R.B
- Part of N.F.L
- NRA piece?: abbr
- NFL kickoff?
- NASDAQ part (Abbr.)
- NASA pt
- NASA part: Abbr
- NASA part
- N.L. part: Abbr
- Mets' league: Abbr
- Kind of Pk
- What the "N" in NBA stands for: Abbr
- U.S.-wide, say
- The N in NHL (abbr.)
- The Chi. Cubs' league
- S.F. Giants' league
- Pt. of NLRB
- Pt. of NFL
- Pt. of GNP
- Pertaining to all 50 sts
- Part of NL
- Part of NBC: Abbr
- Part of NBC
- Part of N.L
- Part of many trade group names: Abbr
- Part of GNP: Abbr
- Padres' league: Abbr
- Owned by the federal govt
- One of the major leagues, briefly
- One of the major leagues (abbr.)
- Of the entire U.S., e.g
- Of all Amer
- NOW head?: Abbr
- Not just local: Abbr
- NLRB part: Abbr
- NHL part: Abbr
- NFL part: Abbr
- NFL part (Abbr.)
- NFL member?: Abbr
- NBA or NFL part: Abbr
- NBA opener?: Abbr
- Nationwide: Abbr
- NASA component (abbr.)
- N.F.C. part: Abbr
- N.B.A. starter?: Abbr
- N.B.A. part: Abbr
- N, in many org. names
- Member of the NFL, NBA, and NHL
- Like some U.S. pks
- LA Dodgers' league
- Kind of rlwy
- Kind of debt: Abbr
- Kind of debt (abbr.)
- For the entire U.S
- Dodgers' league
- Department of ____ Def
- Countrywide, for short
- Countrywide, briefly
- Countrywide org. abbr
- Countrywide (abbr.)
- Coast to coast: Abbr
- A football conf
- "N," in many assn. names
- Part of NASA: Abbr.
- A football conf.
- One of the leagues: Abbr.
- Abbr. in many org. names
- Certain league: Abbr.
- One of the major leagues: Abbr.
- Part of N.F.L.: Abbr.
- Part of N.R.A.: Abbr.
- Major League league: Abbr.
- Amer. counterpart
- League heading: Abbr.
- The "N" of N.B.A.: Abbr.
- Like a certain govt.
- N.L.R.B. part: Abbr.
- NOW head?: Abbr.
- Fed.
- Kind of chart
- Like some monuments: Abbr.
- N.F.C. part: Abbr.
- Mets' league: Abbr.
- Like some parks: Abbr.
- N.B.A. part: Abbr.
- NASA component: Abbr.
- N.R.A. piece?: Abbr.
- The "N" of N.A.A.C.P.: Abbr.
- Part of 31-Down: Abbr.
- The "N" of N.F.L.: Abbr.
- The "N" in NASA: Abbr.
- NASA part: Abbr.
- A major league: Abbr.
- A Wash. airport
- League including St. L. and Pitt.
- Cards' league
- Part of N.L.R.B.
- Part of N.B.A.: Abbr
- Kind of bank or flag: Abbr.
- Part of N.F.L.: Abbr
- Part of NBC: Abbr.
- Part of N.R.A.: Abbr
- League including Cin., St. L., etc.
- A maj. league
- Amer. League rival
- Part of NASA
- Countrywide in scope (abbr.)
- Part of NFL: Abbr
- Countrywide: abbr
- Pt. of NAACP
- Part of NBA: Abbr
- Part of NAACP: Abbr
- Pt. of NCAA
- Part of NPR
- Part of NEA
- MLB league
- Pt. of NASCAR
- NEA part
- NBA part: Abbr
- Part of NOW
- Part of NASDAQ
- NRA member?: Abbr
- Pt. of NRA
- Pt. of NASA
- Part of NASA: Abbr
- Part of NASA (abbr.)
- Part of N.L.: Abbr
- L.A. Dodgers' league
- From coast to coast: Abbr
- Baseball league: Abbr
Usage examples of "natl".
Botany, Chemistry, Zoology, Anatomy, Surgery, Medicine, Natl Philosophy, Agriculture, Mathematics, Astronomy, Geology, Geography, Politics, Commerce, History, Ethics, Law, Arts, Finearts.