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native American
  1. adj. of or pertaining to American Indians or their culture or languages; "Native American religions"; "Indian arrowheads" [syn: Indian, Amerind, Amerindic]

  2. n. any member of the peoples living in North or South America before the Europeans arrived [syn: Amerindian]

Native American (album)

Native American is an album by the American guitarist Tony Rice, released on February 14, 1992

Usage examples of "native american".

At the time of his arrival, much of the original Native American population of hunter-gatherers was still living there.

John Hay was himself not only civilized to the extent that any native American could be (Caroline was never quite sure just how deep the veneer could ever be of any of her countrymen) but wealthy as a result of his marriage to one Clara Stone, an heiress of Cleveland, who had borne him two sons and two daughters.

Not only does Hillerman open a vista of the southwestern landscape, with which he is intimately acquainted, but his work offers an understanding of Native American culture.

I guess my ma would have told me if he was Native American, though.

We of the Native American Democratic Association do support the President.

The concept of land ownership was foreign to most Native American cultures.

This table gives approximate dates of widespread adoption of significant developments in three Eurasian and four Native American areas.