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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Nathless \Nath"less\, adv. [OE. natheles, na the les, not the less, AS. n[=a] never. See Na, The, conj., and cf. Nevertheless.] Nevertheless. [Archaic]
--E. Arnold.


adv. (alternative form of natheless English)

Usage examples of "nathless".

Although each river-cloven vale, with streams Arrowy glancing to the blue Aegean, Each hallowed mountain, the abode of gods, Pelion and Ossa fringed with haunted groves, The height, spring-crowned, of dedicate Olympus, And pleasant sun-fed vineyards, were to him Familiar as his own face in the stream, Nathless he paused and asked the maid what path Might lead him from the forest.

Thou art thrice mine age, And that much nearer sainthood, lady mine, Nathless ye liked my song.

And thou dost me hurt By thinking malice of my championship: Nathless I will content thee.

Although each river-cloven vale, with streams Arrowy glancing to the blue Aegean, Each hallowed mountain, the abode of gods, Pelion and Ossa fringed with haunted groves, The height, spring-crowned, of dedicate Olympus, And pleasant sun-fed vineyards, were to him Familiar as his own face in the stream, Nathless he paused and asked the maid what path Might lead him from the forest.

Its parodies of Tudor speech lapse sometimes into a callow satisfaction in that idiom--Mark hugely enjoys his nathlesses and beshrews and marrys.