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Nasi (Hebrew title)

is a Hebrew title meaning " prince" in Biblical Hebrew, "Prince [of the Sanhedrin]") in Mishnaic Hebrew, or " president" in Modern Hebrew.

Nasi (singer)

Nasi (born Marcos Valadão Rodolfo; January 26, 1962) is a Brazilian singer and songwriter, former vocalist of Ira!. He is also a soccer commentator for RedeTV! since 2008.

Usage examples of "nasi".

Only a few details differed in Buckley's account from the reports Nasi had gotten himself.

As could, apparently, any hope of anyone taking a vacation, which was why Nasi tried to make a moment or two, now and then, for the slightly oblique gallows humor he liked and that Mike was getting a taste for.

The autumn night that Don Francisco Nasi was musing on was a filthy one, slapping its rain and wind against the glass.

For all his own experience of the places Don Nasi talked about, they might as well be on Mars.

Mike had returned from some official business or other with Don Nasi and, of all people, Harry Lefferts.

Don Nasi gave every impression of already having reached this point in the argument and having passed it some time ago.

Then, when you reach Venice, there will be a staff from the Abrabanel and Nasi holdings in the city to advise you and to handle the details of negotiations.

Around the table were Mike Stearns, Balthazar Abrabanel, Doctor James Nichols, Don Francisco Nasi, Frank Jackson, Father Mazzare, the Reverend Jones and-Frank's attempt at calm assurance turned to cold gray slop in his guts-Mister Piazza.

He'd forgotten that Nasi had explained to him that maintaining kashrut required that the wine not be handled by anyone except observant Jews from the time the grapes were put into the bin to be pressed to the time it was poured into the glass.

The life story Nasi had given Mazzare, though, put Luzzatto somewhere nearer to forty.

Mazzare was sure that Nasi made those things up just to enliven dull briefings, after having been mightily amused by twentieth-century management-speak as recorded in the few MBA texts Grantville had had.

The world that Nasi had grown up in had far more idle nobles and underworked functionaries, a wealth of sinecures for hangers-on to occupy and work at in dilettante fashion.

The system of government Nasi had grown up in might have its rules, laws and established custom, but anything in it could simply be decreed out of the way if it proved inconvenient to a sufficiently powerful official.

In many ways, actually, Nasi had more freedom of action as head of the United States' intelligence service than any Ottoman pasha below the grand vizier had ever had.

It had been a logical misadventure that Dan hadn't spotted, and one which Nasi still felt a little guilty about not pointing out at the time.