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n. (plural of narwhal English)

Usage examples of "narwhals".

Even Scoresby, the justly renowned Right whaleman, after giving us a stiff full length of the Greenland whale, and three or four delicate miniatures of narwhals and porpoises, treats us to a series of classical engravings of boat-hooks, chopping knives, and grapnels.

The door of the mothershouse, carved with narwhals, stood open wide enough to admit three men abreast.

She saw no reason why they could not be married and yet allow her to remain as Narcheska of the Narwhals, with Dutiful coming and going as the other husbands and lovers did.

It was Buck blue, and worked all over with bucks and narwhals leaping side by side.

The garment she wore bore both narwhals and bucks, and I doubted she had made it entirely herself.

Elliania wore her cloak of narwhals and bucks, and somehow a doublet that matched it perfectly had been created for the Prince.

Into it poured hundreds of narwhals in search of breathing space and food.

Sometimes narwhals tusked through the skin from the other side, as if sniffing at the solitary ship.

There were framed photographs on the walls of dolphins and narwhals and squids.

When Captain Sleet in person stood his mast-head in this crow's nest of his, he tells us that he always had a rifle with him (also fixed in the rack), together with a powder flask and shot, for the purpose of popping off the stray narwhals, or vagrant sea unicorns infesting those waters.