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n. (plural of narwhale English)

Usage examples of "narwhales".

Even Scoresby, the justly renowned Right whaleman, after giving us a stiff full length of the Greenland whale, and three or four delicate miniatures of narwhales and porpoises, treats us to a series of classical engravings of boat hooks, chopping knives, and grapnels.

When Captain Sleet in person stood his mast-head in this crow’s nest of his, he tells us that he always had a rifle with him (also fixed in the rack), together with a powder flask and shot, for the purpose of popping off the stray Narwhales, or vagrant sea unicorns infesting those waters.

Even Scoresby, the justly renowned Right Whaleman, after giving us a stiff full length of the Greenland Whale, and three or four delicate miniatures of Narwhales and porpoises, treats us to a series of classical engravings of boat hooks, chopping knives, and grapnels.

When Captain Sleet in person stood his mast-head in this crow's-nest of his, he tells us that he always had a rifle with him (also fixed in the rack), together with a powder flask and shot, for the purpose of popping off the stray narwhales, or vagrant sea unicorns infesting those waters.