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narrow house

n. (context poetic English) The grave.

Usage examples of "narrow house".

Only the Street of the Gods, which stretched from the Marsh Gate to the granaries on the Hlal, was free of rats, in consequence of which it and its temples were crammed with worshipers rich and poor, credulous and hitherto atheist, praying for relief from the Rat Plague to the ten hundred and one Gods _in_ Lankhmar and even to the dire and aloof Gods _of_ Lankhmar, whose bell-towered, ever-locked temple stood at the granaries-end of the street, opposite the narrow house of Hisvin the grain-merchant.

Garion whispered as they emerged from a tall, narrow house in a run-down quarter of the city.

DORRIN PATS MERIWHEN on the neck, surveying the smithy- the covered walkway that connects the square-chimneyed forge building to the narrow house, built of smoothed and dressed planks.

He had remembered where Dorhaniyas narrow house stood, past the market, and up one of the crooked streets on the lower hill.

Somewhere in the tall, narrow house she could hear Fawn's voice, light and bantering, the tone she used to speak to the children.

The tall, narrow house was silent, save for the soft, sonorous breathing of her host, which could be heard through the open door of his bedchamber next to hers.

Lightning streaked across the sky, three jagged bolts together, casting a stark light over a narrow house that seemed to have bunches of herbs hanging in the windows, and a shop, shut up tight, but a potter's from the sign with its bowls and plates.

The glow of a television set through open curtains as he passed the window of a tall, narrow house.

The cab pulled up outside a narrow house, part of the sweeping arc of Carlton Terrace.