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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Napoleonic \Na*po`le*on"ic\, a. Of or pertaining to Napoleon I., or his family; resembling, or having the qualities of, Napoleon I.

Napoleonic (EP)

Napoleonic EP is the title of The Four Hundred's first EP. The EP was released independently in 2006.

Napoleonic (Fabergé egg)

The Napoleonic egg, sometimes referred to as the Imperial Napoleonic egg, is a Fabergé egg, one of a series of fifty-two jewelled eggs made under the supervision of Peter Carl Fabergé. It was created in 1912 for the last Tsar of Russia Nicholas II as a gift to his mother the Dowager Empress Maria Fyodorovna. The egg is part of the Matilda Geddings Gray collection of Faberge and is currently long term installation at Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, New York.

Usage examples of "napoleonic".

Count Helmuth James von Moltke, a great-great-nephew of the Field Marshal who had led the Prussian Army to victory over France in 1870, and Count Peter Yorck von Wartenburg, a direct descendant of the famous General of the Napoleonic era who, with Clausewitz, had signed the Convention of Tauroggen with Czar Alexander I by which the Prussian Army changed sides and helped bring the downfall of Bonaparte.

Chaptal, the royal inspector of mines and professor of chemistry, ennobled by Louis XVI in 1788 on the usual meritocratic ladder, became a Napoleonic minister of the interior.

Buen Retiro and here he established fabriques that continued to thrive even up to the time of King Ferdinand in 1780, and would probably have prospered much longer had not the Napoleonic wars come and the French destroyed the factories.

The moustached face was framed with the pigtails of the elite Napoleonic Dragoons.

Napoleonic posture with his arms proudly folded and a radiance of anarchistic joy on his face.

Vicious caricatures of the emperor were drawn on walls, and caricatures of the Napoleonic eagle, clutching a bloody soldier in its talons, captioned "le dernier vol de l'aigle.

Washed from her eyes the Napoleonic glare, Divinely raised by that in her divine, Not the clear sight of Earth's blunt actual swerves When her lost look, as on a wave of wine, Rolls Eastward, and the mother-flag descries Caress with folds and curves The fortress over Rhine, Beneath the one tall spire.

There were arquebuses, about the size and weight of an M1 Garrand, 16- to 20-bore, and calivers about the size of the Brown Bess musket of the Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars.

While European armies had adopted close-bodied coats or jackets in the course of the Napoleonic wars, American uniforms remained the traditional cutaway style, with elaborate lapels, facings, and turnbacks.

The Corn Laws (corn meant grain) were enacted in 1815 when the Napoleonic Wars had left England almost in a state of famine.

Even without his generals' predilection for partial encipherments, the Napoleonic cryptograms must have crumpled before the assault of the Russian cryptanalysts.

It was one of those bush wars that hared up on the edges of the Napoleonic wars.

The abolition of slavery in the island of Hayti, or San Domingo, was accomplished during the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars.

An excerpt from Chapter LXXVI of High Wind in the Gabardines, a thrilling tale of adventure, romance, and gastric discomfort aboard a British cruise ship in the Napoleonic era, with a colorful insert map showing all duty-free ports.

She devoured anything she could get her hands on, including the current emperor of France, Napoleon III's Napoleonic Ideasa book idealizing the career of his famous uncle.