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The Collaborative International Dictionary

name-dropping \name-dropping\ n. The practice of casually mentioning important people in order to impress one's listener.


alt. The practice of casually mentioning famous or important people or the titles of their works, often subtly implying familiarity or association, in order to impress others. n. The practice of casually mentioning famous or important people or the titles of their works, often subtly implying familiarity or association, in order to impress others. vb. (present participle of name-drop English)


n. the practice of casually mentioning important people in order to impress your listener; "the hard thing about name-dropping is to avoid being too obvious about it"


Name-dropping is the practice of mentioning important people or institutions within a conversation, story, song, online identity, or other communication. The term often connotes an attempt to impress others; it is usually regarded negatively, and under certain circumstances may constitute a breach of professional ethics. When used as part of a logical argument it can be an example of the false authority fallacy.

A shout-out is a type of name-dropping where a list of names or someone's name is spoken out expressly to direct attention at these groups or individuals, often as a means of expressing kudos or making a referral.

Usage examples of "name-dropping".

Pardon me if I indulge in a little name-dropping, but I was hired by Lady Luck herself, and my companions here are Sinner and Madman.