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nailing down

vb. (present participle of nail down English)

Usage examples of "nailing down".

I kicked back from the body of the bug, nailing down a sudden surge of terror as I let go of its solidity and fell upward into the dark.

Three volumes of the library of Cozzano family photo albums were devoted to the reconstruction of the house, and Mel showed up in a number of pictures, pale, skinny, and bent as a peeled banana, kneeling on the bare plywood of the new roof among burly, copper-hued Cozzanos, nailing down the shingles one strip at a time.

I've been all over the city today, nailing down details for Saturday.

They spent the morning nailing down the number of cases out there.

He had spoken his piece, nailing down the undeclared and unpalatable fact that President Johnson and the State Department were mending fences with the Arabs, and that Pearson, though friendly, was helpless.