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n. (plural of nagual English)

Usage examples of "naguals".

But, for the moment, just let me tell you another farfetched story about one of the naguals of my line, the nagual Sebastian.

Juan said that what transpired between Sebastian and that man later became the ground for an agreement that had bound all six naguals who followed Sebastian.

All the other naguals who followed him, however, gladly and proudly accepted their gifts.

But in describing the relationship between the tenant and the naguals of his line, don Juan kept on mixing the Spanish-language male and female gender denotation, creating a great confusion in me.

As payment for the energy taken from all those naguals, the woman in the church taught them exactly what to do to displace their assemblage point to some specific positions, which she herself had chosen.

Juan remarked that the death defier, being definitely a creature of ritual habits, always met the naguals of his line first as a man, as it had happened with the nagual Sebastian, and subsequently as a woman.

Juan went on to say that the knowledge of specific procedures involved in shifts was not available to the eight naguals who preceded the nagual Sebastian, and that the tenant showed the nagual Sebastian how to achieve total perception on ten new positions of the assemblage point.

I am your servant, as I have been the servant of all the naguals who preceded you.

She said that the gifts she had given to the naguals of my line had to do with what the old sorcerers used to call the twin positions.

This is what I am doing to you now, and what I did to all the naguals of your line.

And just as the first Nagual man and Nagual woman had been provided with a minimal party, they had to supply the new pair of Naguals with four female warriors who were stalkers, three male warriors, and one male courier.

In sorcery there are abstract cores, and then, based on those abstract cores, there are scores of sorcery stories about the naguals of our lineage battling to understand the spirit.

Sorcerers, and specifically the naguals, therefore have to be actively and permanently on the lookout for manifestations of the spirit.

The entire truth is that the spirit reveals itself to everyone with the same intensity and consistency, but only sorcerers, and naguals in particular, are attuned to such revelations.

After a lifetime of practice, sorcerers, naguals in particular, know if the spirit is inviting them to enter the edifice being flaunted before them.