Nâçerî Is a famous treaty of hippology drafted about the year 1333, by Abou Bakr Ibn Badr Eddîn Ibn It Moundir The Baïtar, ordered by the Mamluk sultan An-Nasir Muhammad, also called sultan Ennâcer (victorieux), whence the name of Naceri (relative to Nacer).
Of all the treaties of hippology, the Nâçerî is probably the best known, by reason of the attention that devoted him the French doctor Nicolas Perron who published, between 1852 and 1960, three volumes of comments on the translation of the manuscript n° 2814 of the Bibliothèque nationale de France. This work has givento the scholars studying that period the necessary elements to strengthen, the already existing belief, on the big quality of the « Arab veterinarians» of that era.