Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
masc. proper name, biblical name of Aramean general cured of leprosy by Elisha, from Hebrew Na'aman, literally "pleasantness," from stem of na'em "was pleasant or lovely." Compare Naomi.
Martin Mussard better known by his artistic name Naâman, (born in Dieppe on 25 February 1990) is a French reggae singer with Ska, Blues, Folk, Hip Hop and Dancehall influences.
Naaman is a commander of the armies of Ben-Hadad II in the time of Joram, king of Israel. He is mentioned in 2 Kings 5.
Naaman is also a male given name.
Naaman / Naamans may also refer to:
Usage examples of "naaman".
And when Naaman saw him running after him, he lighted down from the chariot to meet him, and said, Is all well?
They have the licence that Naaman had, and need not put themselves into danger for it.
And in the prophet Elisha's time there were many lepers in Israel, but none of these was cured, except the Syrian Naaman [Luke 4:25-27].