Naadodigal is a 2009 Indian- Tamil Language dramatic thriller film written and directed by Samuthirakani and produced by S. Michael Rayappan under banner of Global Infotainment. The film stars Sasikumar along with Chennai 600028 fame Vijay Vasanth and Kallori fame Bharani in lead roles, with newcomers Ananya, Abhinaya and Malaysia-based Shanthini Deva enacting the lead female roles and Ganja Karuppu playing a pivotal role, providing comical relief.
The plot focuses on a trio who attempt to unite their friend with his lover against the wishes of all families involved, and at heavy cost to themselves, only to realize that the lovers separate after a short while.
cinematograph handled by S. R. Kathir, songs composed and score by Sundar C Babu, editing done by A. L. Ramesh, stunt co originated by Dhilip Subbarayan, dance choreography Dinesh, produced designed by R. K. Vijay Murugan and lyrics written by Vaali, Na. Muthukumar, Kabilan and Yugabharathi.
The film released in June 2009, garnering highly positive reviews.budget of film 7 crores gross more then 35 crores and its one huge blockbuster of 2009.