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Mykolas is a Lithuanian male given name derived from Michael. People with the name include:

  • Mykolas Arlauskas (born 1930), agronomist, professor of biomedicine and signatory of 1990 Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania
  • Mykolas Biržiška (1882–1962), Lithuanian editor, historian, professor of literature, diplomat & politician; signatory of Act of Independence of Lithuania
  • Mykolas Burokevičius (1927–2016), communist political leader in Lithuania
  • Mykolas Kęsgaila (died 1451), Lithuanian nobleman, a precursor of the Kęsgailos family
  • Mykolas Kęsgaila (died 1476), Lithuanian nobleman from Kęsgailos family
  • Mykolas Sleževičius (born 1882), Lithuanian lawyer, politician, journalist, interpreter, actor and director of noble Lithuanian extraction