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n. (plural of muzzle English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: muzzle)

Usage examples of "muzzles".

There was a final snarling fury of shots fired with the muzzles touching flesh and bayonet clashing on swords.

The 5th Descott and the 7th, the Slashers—one by one they rose to their feet, helmets on the muzzles of their rifles.

Through the notches jutted the black muzzles of field guns, ready to add their firepower to the wall or take any angle in murderous crossfire.

Dogs squatted on their haunches to shed momentum as soon as the muzzles turned.

The guns bucked wildly on the pivot-lever formed by the trail, swinging nearly upright with the muzzles pointing at the sky, then slamming back down with an earsplitting anvil chorus of iron-shod wheels on iron frames.

The breechblock of a gun clanged open and the crew pushed it forward until its barrel jutted in alignment with the muzzles of the riflemens' weapons.

They had just time enough to check a little as the black muzzles of the guns rose over the ridge, appearing out of nowhere.

The black muzzles that poked through were only 75mm, he knew—but they looked big enough to swallow him whole.

The slotted ports on the forward face opened, and the muzzles of the fortress guns showed through.

The crews spun the elevating screws until the honeycombed muzzles rose to their limit.

Minatelli hoped none of them would fire too low—even standing, the muzzles would be only a half-meter over his head.

The last of the enemy ahead were hoisting reversed weapons, or helmets on the muzzles of their rifles.

Sullen prisoners smashed their own rifles against the iron tyres of the wagon wheels under the muzzles of the Descotter guns.

The muzzles of their dogs snaked forward, then recoiled from the line of bayonets.

The long Armory rifles came up to their shoulders in smooth curves, the muzzles dead level except for the minute individual quivers as they picked their targets.