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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Mutus (crater)

Mutus is a lunar crater that is located in the rugged southern part of the Moon. It lies to the north-northeast of the larger crater Manzinus, and some distance to the south of Hommel. It is 78 kilometers in diameter and 3.7 kilometers deep. It is from the Pre- Nectarian period, 4.55 to 3.92 billion years ago.

The outer rim of Mutus is worn and eroded, with a pair of small but notable craters, Mutus A and Mutus V, lying across the eastern rim. A number of other tiny craters lay along the rim and the interior wall. Another crater, Mutus B, is located on the crater floor, just to the south of the midpoint. The remainder of the interior is relatively flat, and punctuated by several tiny craterlets to the north of Mutus B.

Mutus is named for Vincente Mut (Muth), a 17th-century Spanish astronomer and sailor.

Usage examples of "mutus".

But when Danny and Murdoch made a patrol in mid-morning, before the weather got too rough, they found that the barrier net, which we had replaced the pre- vious evening, had again been cut adrift and badly muti- lated.