Muthapudupet is a village in Thiruvallur District and comes under Chennai Sub-urban Limits and Avadi Municipality. Muthapudupet is around 8 kilometers from Avadi.
Areas around Muthapudupet were once paddy fields, fruit farms, lakes, swamps and forests. Now the field areas have shrunk and residential plots have sprung up. Highest Natural point is 60m above Mean Sea level. The soil is sandy and instantial laterite, mostly Recent Alluvium. Geological formations are concealed by Recent alluvium, with little or no exposure of rocks, most formations being Archean and tertiary sediments. Alluvial deposits of thickness of 28 meters, can amplify ground shaking during Tremors.
Muthapudupet is a predominantly Tamil speaking area with sizable Telugu speakers. Most people here are Multilingual, Speaking Tamil, Mothertongue and Hindi/English. One can find people from every region of India in Muthapudupet-Mittanamallee. Thanks to nearby Defence/Central Government Establishments. Central Government is the largest employer in Muthapudupet.