Musixmatch is the world's largest lyrics catalogue with more than 17.4 million lyrics in 63 languages. It is accessible via the web and mobile apps for the iOS, Android and Windows Phone operating systems on various devices (phones, tablets and wearables).
Musixmatch displays synchronised lyrics to view in time with the music being played. On its native apps, it bears the ability to scan all the songs in a user's music library and find lyrics for them all, as well as to be used as a native music player. On the Android platform, it also supports many major music streaming services like Spotify, Google Play Music, Deezer, Rhapsody and Rdio and many others and can display lyrics floating above the application.
Musixmatch was founded in Bologna, Italy, on January 21, 2010, by Massimo Ciociola. The service went live in July 2010 and, as of January 2015, musixmatch has raised $12.1 million in Angel and Venture Capital funding. Musixmatch has signed agreements with publishers such as: EMI Publishing, Warner/Chappell Music, Universal Music Publishing Group, Sony ATV, PeerMusic, BMG, HFA and cooperate with NMPA.