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n. (plural of muscovite English)


Muscovites may refer to:

  • The inhabitants of Moscow
  • The inhabitants of Muscovy

Usage examples of "muscovites".

This worthy man had been at Venice fifty years before, when the Russians were still called Muscovites, and the founder of St.

Thus if a new-born baby in Chicago consumed, statistically, three times the food of one new-born in India, it was considered only just and decent to limit the number of newborn Chicagoans, and the same with Londoners, Muscovites, babies of Peking and Tokyo.

Kambanaros wants hard facts before moving: ships and provisions and weapons, and the Muscovites to send soldiers to get themselves bloody heads, and our poor mother Hellas to join in too with her three bits of regiments.

New Muscovites who thought Chekhov was something you did with your lottery numbers.

As a general rule the Muscovites are the most superstitious Christians in the world.