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a. 1 lack muscle tissue. 2 feeble, weak, lacking strength or power.

Usage examples of "muscleless".

Even the muscleless plants seemed to reach out to him with green spatulate hands.

My thighs were muscleless as I made my way down the steps to the salon level.

Nor had she wondered how a skeletonless and muscleless creature could walk.

His thin spruce frame looked angular and flat and muscleless now, instead of debonair.

And the fingers walked cautiously on, over the curiously muscleless, faintly ridged flesh, cooler than the rest of the body, across the tender nipple, into the deep cleft between, and out onto the breast that lay limp and helpless and hardly recognizable as round, lying like a hunting trophy over her other arm.

She felt more weary, more sleepy than before, all soft and muscleless, limp and cold and nearly dead herself.