The Collaborative International Dictionary
Usage examples of "muscipula".
Darwin, Francis, on the effect of an induced galvanic current on Drosera, 37 , on the digestion of grains of chlorophyll, 126 , on Utricularia, 442 Delpino, on Aldrovanda, 321 , on Utricularia, 395 Dentine, its digestion by Drosera, 106 Digestion of various substances by Dionaea, 301 by Drosera, 85 by Drosophyllum, 339 by Pinguicula, 381 , origin of power of, 361 Digitaline, action on Drosera, 203 Dionaea muscipula, small size of roots, 286 , structure of leaves, 287 , sensitiveness of filaments, 289 , absorption by, 295 , secretion by, 295 , digestion by, 301 , effects on, of chloroform, 304 , manner of capturing insects, 305 , transmission of motor impulse, 313 , reexpansion of lobes, 318 Direction of inflected tentacles of Drosera, 243 Dohrn, Dr.