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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Murrhine \Mur"rhine\, a. [L. murrhinus, fr. murrha: cf. F. murrhin.] Made of the stone or material called by the Romans murrha; -- applied to certain costly vases of great beauty and delicacy used by the luxurious in Rome as wine cups; as, murrhine vases, cups, vessels.

Murrhine glass, glassware made in imitation of murrhine vases and cups.


a. Made of the stone or material called ''murrha'' by the Ancient Romes; applied to certain costly vases of great beauty and delicacy used by the luxurious in Rome as wine cups.

Usage examples of "murrhine".

I see murrhine cups, for luxury would be too cheap if men did not drink to one another out of hollow gems the wine to be afterwards thrown up again.

He kicked the table over, smashed the murrhine glass, and heaved the Corinthian bronze vases.