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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Murre \Murre\, n. (Zo["o]l.) Any one of several species of sea birds of the genus Uria, or Catarractes; a guillemot.

Note: The murres are allied to the auks, and are abundant on the northern coasts of Europe and America. They often breed in large communities on the projecting ledges of precipituous cliffs, laying one or two large eggs on the bare rocks.


n. any of the seabirds of the genus Uria in the auk family


n. black-and-white diving bird of northern seas


Usage examples of "murre".

Ged stayed with Yarrow and her brother, called Murre, who was between her and Vetch in age.

The most they saw that day was a school of silver pannies swimming south, but never a dolphin leapt nor did the flight of gull or murre or tern break the grey air.

Into the vista he was crowding everything Erasmus had described to him, the whales and belugas and seals and walrus churning through the water, the fulmars and guillemots whirring and diving, the murres and kittiwakes guarding their eggs from the foxes.

Above them a glacier poured between two cliffs crowded with nesting murres: black rock streaked with streams of droppings, the clean white river of ice.

So I am pampered, fussed over, Annie makes me pants from my polar bear skin and an undershirt from the skins of murres while her mother feeds me dovekies cached since the summer in a sealskin bag.

In the moment before he lost consciousness he’d opened his eyes and seen murres racing and darting around him, swift as fish, amazingly graceful.

She could see many murres working there, their high-pitched calls echoing as their thick bills bobbed into the water.

Around him were breeding terns and gulls, snow geese and murres, eiders and dovekies.

Whenever they discussed the geographical distribution of plants and animals, they always parted company at the final step of the hypothesis—that just as the arctic supported a white bear rather than black or grizzly bears, murres and dovekies rather than penguins, so too might the Esquimaux differ at a species level from the men in other places.

The wall itself was pocked with ledges and pits where birds nested: guillemots, murres, kittiwakes and gulls.