Murarbad is a village located in Sankarapuram Taluk, Villupuram District, Tamil Nadu, India. It is a Panchayath village, also spelt murarbadu, located between Thiruvannamalai and Kallakurichi, away from Kallakurichi. More than 10000 people live in the village. The literacy rate is 75%; male literacy is 90% and female literacy is 60%. The village has one government higher secondary school, two panchyath schools, two private primary schools, village center and one mosque. It is a shopping hub with many markets and retail stores, and is also a hub of transport to major cities like Chennai, Bangalore, Salem, Trupathiu and Thiruvannamalai.
This central village is surrounded by several smaller villages.
It is near the Manimuthar River.
There is a Famous Country Chicken Poultry Farm, one of its Best Kind in Tamil Nadu (Iqra Farms) is in Murarbad, Paramanatham Road.
Friday Market on every Friday is very popular in Murarbadu. Farmers from surrounding villages comes here with fresh fruits, vegetables and poultry to sell.