The Collaborative International Dictionary
Mump \Mump\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Mumped; p. pr. & vb. n. Mumping.]
To utter imperfectly, brokenly, or feebly.
Old men who mump their passion.
--Goldsmith. To work over with the mouth; to mumble; as, to mump food.
To deprive of (something) by cheating; to impose upon.
vb. (en-past of: mump)
Usage examples of "mumped".
Not real copacetic, no, the jeune fils had far more ideas than substance left, but clothes and covers went one way and the other, boots mumped out from under the sheets, and a bunk that wasn't designed for two meant real caution about putting an elbow into his sore spots.
Her thick sandals mumped on the deck as she stepped over Gyler's bulk and revealed her hidden hand.
Shards of rock as big as dogs quivered loose from the cliff, and the noise mumped at his face.