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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Mummify \Mum"mi*fy\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Mummified; p. pr. & vb. n. Mummifying.] [Mummy + -fy: cf. F. momifier.] To embalm and dry as a mummy; to make into, or like, a mummy.
--Hall (1646).


vb. (present participle of mummify English)

Usage examples of "mummifying".

It petered out at those levels where the spiders, paper-loving insects and small wildlife were diligently continuing their self-appointed task of mummifying the accumulated wisdom of the Moot.

By day he slept mostly, hollowing out a warm furrow in the bed, and mummifying himself in his sheets, head wrapped up in a tangle of arms to keep out the light.

The heat from the bonfire would drive all the moisture from the body, desiccating it, mummifying it, and rendering it odorless.

According to the movies, they all started out that way -- with the little animals, then before long they moved up to hitchhikers, hookers, and pretty soon they were mummifying a whole flock of counselors at some remote summer camp and posing the crusty remains around a card table in their mountain lair.

Rather, it seemed that the body had been dead and mummifying in the sealed capsule for the entire time since Doormann vanished from Telaria—despite the fact that he had carried on intercourse with the Pancahtans for another fifty years yet.

Tracking down a mummifying killer or making time for some Latin lover whose stock in trade is the breakage of hearts?