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Mulungushi is a river (and a small town nearby) in central Zambia which has taken on a symbolic and historical meaning synonymous with the independence and identity of the nation, and has been given to a number of events, localities, buildings and organisations, including:

  • the Mulungushi Rock of Authority (see below);
  • the Mulungushi Declaration, a policy statement made by President Kenneth Kaunda in 1968 on the nationalisation of the means of production;
  • Mulungushi Village, a suburb of Lusaka;
  • Mulungushi Hall, an international conference and convention centre, used also as an official reception centre by the Zambian government, and the site of several conferences and negotiations of the independence and anti-apartheid movements in southern Africa;
  • Mulungushi House, a large office building in Lusaka, home to government departments and businesses;
  • Mulungushi University in Kabwe;
  • a number of businesses, such as Zambia-China Mulungushi Textiles Ltd;
  • several roads.