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a. Having skill or talent in more than one field.

Usage examples of "multitalented".

Harold di York is a multitalented man and should long since have been brought to Rome and elevated, afforded the due that such rare men as he deserve.

Moors and the Spaniards, that this current di York is a preternaturally old man, is based, I feel, on nothing more uncanny or unnatural than a family dynasty of brilliant, multitalented royal physicians and churchmen plus a few easily understandable errors on the parts of a few clerk-copyists.

Ser Ugo, some ounces of gold poorer, felt the money very well spent and now was distinctly admiring of the English Royal Cannon Foundry and the multitalented gentleman who commanded it.

Gabriel was multitalented, and besides writing scripts, performing, and directing the shows, he was one of our most successful public relations men, opening doors in the South American music world that would have taken us years to even find.

Gabriel, the multitalented musician who was recruited back into the Family in Puerto Rico, stayed with the cult until 1992.

She was a well educated, well traveled, multitalented woman, but again the problem went even deeper than that.

Sir Ugo, some ounces of gold poorer, felt the money very well spent and now was distinctly admiring of the English Royal Cannon Foundry and the multitalented gentleman who commanded it.

Farhrooq to indicate obliquelywhenever and if ever the time is ripe, of coursethat I could be most generous to a multitalented paladin who chose to serve me and this sultanate.

William Collier was, before he lost his reason, a multitalented and highly intelligent man, innovative, well read in many fields, and holding university degrees which included a doctorate or two in chemistry, in which field he also had done certain amounts of research for his government, involving propellants.